In Android development with Kotlin, a "Selectable Adapter" typically refers to an implementation of an adapter that allows the user to select one or multiple items from a list displayed by a RecyclerView. This can be useful in scenarios such as selection modes in lists, like email clients where you can select multiple emails to delete or move.
Single Selectable Adapter
SingleSelectableAdapter is a child class of BaseAsyncRecyclerAdapter that has been modified as needed. For example:
class SelectableAdapter(
private val context: Context,
selectableItem: (selected: String) -> Unit
) : BaseSelectableAdapter<String>(selectableItem = selectableItem) {
override fun getViewBinding(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewBinding {
return ItemSelectableBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), parent, false)
override fun bindData(binding: ViewBinding, data: Selectable<String>) {
with(binding as ItemSelectableBinding) {
tvTitle.text = data.item
override fun setSelected(binding: ViewBinding, selected: Boolean) =
with(binding as ItemSelectableBinding) {
// Item you want to mark
Multiple Selectable Adapter
A multiple selectable adapter is a custom adapter used with components like RecyclerView to enable the selection of multiple items. This type of adapter allows users to select and deselect multiple items from a list. Below is a basic example of how you can implement a multiple selectable adapter in Android using Kotlin.
class SelectableAdapter(
private val context: Context,
selectableItem: (selected: String) -> Unit
) : BaseSelectableAdapter<String>(isMultipleSelect = true, selectableItem = selectableItem) {
override fun getViewBinding(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewBinding {
return ItemSelectableBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), parent, false)
override fun bindData(binding: ViewBinding, data: Selectable<String>) {
with(binding as ItemSelectableBinding) {
tvTitle.text = data.item
override fun setSelected(binding: ViewBinding, selected: Boolean) =
with(binding as ItemSelectableBinding) {
// Items you want to mark
Example in Views
After the adapter is successfully created, you can call the adapter on the Activity/Fragment to enter data according to your needs, to use it you can use kotlin lazy. For example:
class SelectableAdapterActivity : BaseActivity<ActivitySelectableAdapterBinding>() {
companion object {
fun start(context: Context) {
private val adapter by lazy {
SelectableAdapter(this) { item ->
// Handle selected item
override fun getViewBinding(): ActivitySelectableAdapterBinding {
return ActivitySelectableAdapterBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
override fun initIntent() {}
override fun initUI() {
binding.rvSelected.adapter = adapter
override fun initAction() {}
override fun initProcess() {
val data = mutableListOf<String>()
for (i in 0..40) {
data.add("Item $i")
adapter.setData = data.toSelectable()
.toSelectable() is a part of onelib extension functions.